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Our Project

Job Seekers and those claiming sickness benefits face challenging times with DWP ( The Department of Work and Pensions) This support aims to follow the principles of Street Pastors aims to engage with Vulnerable people in need at times in their life where there is little support

Job Centre's & Food Banks

A Job centre is not a friendly welcoming place. It is a location that is visited every fortnight to discuss with a adviser your situation and whether you have met the criteria that DWP has set for you to obtain a Welfare Benefit payment

Listening Ear & Tablet or Ipad support

A Welfare Pastor can provide  listening ear outside a Job centre and can provide guidance as to where FoodBanks, Job clubs, CAB and other relvant organizations are.

A lot of this information may not clearly be provided by DWP to vulnerable members of society.

Listening and engaging may make a major difference 

Support and Signposting

This site will contain direct links to key aspects of information that can make a difference enabling an individual to see the next step for themselves and encourage them to take the next step.

A card identifying you and your church opens the doors to further communication

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